The Design Sprint, the Google Way

By Michael LeBeau
CEO, Managing Partner, Founder


People pay attention when they hear Google is applying agile marketing to its creative processes. Google’s process is a six-step methodology called, “The Design Sprint.” It’s a way for designers to attack a marketing project and gather comments and quickly integrate that input.

Google “Google Design Sprint” and you will see at the top of the Google results in an article titled “How To Conduct Your Own Google Ventures Design Sprint.” There are a number of articles in the results below that article.

I like to point out that agile methodology is spreading beyond the marketing industry, but the impact is large, deep, and, may I say, “tectonic” in the marketing field because big brands are hustling to embrace it.

As Google pointed out, agile marketing’s technique of the “sprint” gives marketing teams a shortcut to learning without building and launching.

The interesting thing is the resistance level that agile methodologies are continuing to encounter at terminally traditional advertising agencies and old-school companies since this “lean mentality” was introduced.

Sooner or later, even the dinosaurs among us will need to embrace the agile movement…it’s the way the world is heading.

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